Clearing a column in a data table

I created a table to save my data to. The user enters data in a list of text inputs, then thunkable saves the data to a table. On other screens, a listview displays the data (for some reason data listview wouldn’t work and the table doesn’t actually display the data, but the listview does). Then I thought that the data might be too much and the user might want to clear it, so I made a clear button. But the only delete block for data sources is to delete rows, not clear columns. Is there a way I can work around this?

I think you may need to rethink your data structure, because permanently reducing the amount of data by deleting a column is a very unusual solution, since changing the amount of data in a table is usually done using records, not columns.

Yes, I decided to display the data in a different way, I couldn’t think of much else.