Card navigation with a dynamic number of screens

I’m practicing with Thunkable before starting a project for a client, and it looks pretty solid!
Right now I’m trying to create a simple Ticker app by myself and probably I found a limit, but I prefer to ask you if it is or if there’s a way.
My need is to have multiple ticker in the app, and to do this I can save their title and count easily in local storage on multiple rows.
But I want to navigate them with swipe, as cards. If I pre-build 3 of them in the editor, I can create a Stack, but what if I want to add a new ticker? I can add a row the the DB, I can add a row to a list, but can I add a new screen to the stack? Or maybe have a dynamic number of screens based on the number of elements in a list?

Hope it’s clear, thanks for you help!

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