Can't scroll in the webview, white screen

Can someone Help me? Please ive been working hard in my project and yesterday in my app installed i cant scroll on my web screen it gets white when i touch it and also i cant zoom in.

And My animations Get Transparent Color when i touch the screen.
I dont know What to do. someone please help me :frowning:

On this image Transparent Icons for my animations when i touch.

Normal Animations when i dont touch the screen.

This Happens even on all my screens with content , but when i touch a site without images or content it doesnt get white screen.

I think I am having the same issue… did you find out how to fix yours?

Hey @hiramangrybirds2002o @marcus3u7 Sorry to hear that you are experiencing this. Are you using the drag and drop interface?

@goutham I am using the drag and drop and testing on an Android!

Hey @marcus3u7 @hiramangrybirds2002o We are currently working on fixing this. Will share an update soon.


Thank you!