Can't connect Text Input block to If block

guys I don’t know why I am facing an issue to connect a text input block to a if command only I am able to connect the text block to the other blocks The below Images describe it well so could you pls help me with it :

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The if block expects a value of true or false. A text string (as far as I know) can’t have either of those values (typically 1 or 0). So you need a logic block such as = or is empty to check if the text is equal to a value. What are you wanting to check there?


You can do this way if you want to check the text label has something or not

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Oh thanks @muneer


Think about it like you’re talking.

If (something happens), you need to do:
In this case, you are trying to say:
If [insert random word], you need to do:
You should try to do:
If there is text, you need to do: