Can iOS webview not go back and forward even if i place button to create that action?

I do not see way to call the webviewer to go back, WHY?

To be able to navigate back and forth is very important.
Please any suggestions would be appreciated.

To implement the Back function, I see such an inconvenient temporary solution:

1.Add TextInput to the screen to enter a URL page
2.After input, we pass it to WebViewer.URL. If you have got where you need, then add this URL in the list.
3.Add the Back button to the screen, clicking on which the previous URL will be received from the list and pass it send it to WebViewer.URL

Hi @actech are you able to show a screenshot of this workaround. Much appreciated. thank you!

Hi @mmstede,

Soon I will show screenshot.

A basic example for your experiments can be copied by reference.

@actech Amazing! Thank you! I’ll have a play around and see if I can further customise for what I need. Thanks again!


I’m also looking to have a back button for webview on an IOS app. I would appreciate a link to an app with similar workaround.