Build in components modules

Hello everyone.

I’d like to suggest I minor change or update (depending on how you see this) on how we can use and import modules.

Can we have a possibility to make modules for existing categories and component blocks

So let me explain.
Right now we can only import or create modules that are then only for their own group e.g. module A has a group for and called module A in the blocks editor.

What is like to have is a possibility to let modules be added into selected groups say for example I make extra list blocks and want to have them appear in the list section in the block editor and having the blocks follow the same colour scheme those blocks have.
This would also work the same way for components.

I’d also be really cool if we could let one module into multiple categories so we don’t have to create multiple modules for multiple categories.

Thanks <3

Hi @sketch
Thanks so much for taking the time to create this feature request. I will pass it on to the team.