Bluetooth Low Energy doesn't receive data

This is really a great community…! I’ve read so many great posts, along with answers and solutions from some great users!

I basically have the same issue in Thunkable X. I have a BLE temperature probe. Trying to send the readings to the app in a label. The probe connects, and I’ve checked the specific UUIDs for the temperature readings multiple times. All is right, and the probe connects to the app just fine.

I get “undefined” in the text label with both the data string AND the Bytes array. I’ve used both.I’m firing a Timer every second, as the probe puts out a reading every second.

The other issue I’ll face is that I’ll need to convert “Signed Little-Endian” data to a readable temp. so… “-4294781695” needs to be translated to “72.5”. I can’t imagine that there is anyone that could think of a way to use program blocks to get that done. They’d have to have beyond a genius IQ to figure it out…

I’m a newbie here, and I have no programming experience to speak of, but I catch on to concepts pretty quickly, and I can do this.

It just isn’t working.

Any help is humbly appreciated!! :slight_smile: