Bluetooth Function won't Transmit or Recieve

I’m sorry, maybe i didn’t explain good my issue. My is problem is that: Thunkable doesn’t read the ASCII string from the HM-10, on the Thunkable APP i receive only unreadable chars, like other users in this post. The same HM-10 module work correctly with Mit App Inventor, this shows that the problem is in Thunkable X. How can i solve the problem? How can i read correctly an ASCII string on Thunkable X?

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I’m using HMSoft device to control lightings in a hall.

So I just send AT commands to change the state of individual PIN in the device which will turn the switch ON or OFF.

Light bulbs do not send anything back so my app works fine with AT commands. If you have anything connected with the device then the BLE device will just pass on what the other thing is passing to it.

If i send a string “Hello” from device connected to HM-10 UART to Mit app inventor app (for example), i receive the correct string “Hello”. If i do the same thing with a Thunkable App, i receive unreadble chars. The problem is on Thunkable, not on the device connected on HM-10. I need to receive string, not only to send AT command.
Is there a way to read correctly this string “Hello” or not on Thunkable? Is there a Thunkable developer that can confirm or not the functionality of the Receive function of BLE on Thunkable?