I’m still having issues trying to send hexidecimal commands to my bluetooth app i’m writing. I get the error above, In one post this was a bug but I still can’t get it to work.
Hello @rhino-led
The issue is happening because the UUID is not set correctly.
If the documentation only gives four characters for the value, they are assuming you’ll use the default characteristic UUID.
Hi @rhino-led
Use this as your UUID: 00002A58-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
The default is 00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
If the manufacturer is giving you only 4 digit then it is assumed that you need to use the default UUID. It starts with 8 hexadecimal digits and you need to add your 4 digit hexadecimal number as the second part of it. So instead of all zeros it would be 0000 plus your code 2A58
the first post had my block from thunkable. I did change it to have the full value as you said and this is what happens when i click on the box to trigger sending data to my custom pcb board
Have not, Again unless i’m doing something wrong, I have the ID set in the code on the device, Use that same ID number in the app on your website and just get that error soon as i click the button.
I finally did get this working, i defined a full length 16 code vs the 4 digital in my firmware code and i was able to get data sending back and forth.