AppGro - Agricultural Buying Platform

Agricultural Buying Platform

Hey there :wave:

This is my latest project, made with a friend (@Juca ) for a contest. It consists on an app to buy and sell products that are basically taken from the agriculture. Our aim was to connect sellers with buyers with any other intermediate, so prices can be lower and you know that is 100% healthy.

Some important features to highlight are:

Talking about security:

  • The account data (except the password) is stored locally in a TinyDB, but it’s encrypted so anyone will be ably to edit it, as well as the notification system

  • To edit password account or any account data, you will have to input first your current password, so if anyone access your phone, he won’t be able to stole your account

  • Passwords, as you may suppose, are stored in MD5

  • The admins have direct access to the DB, so if any user is faking information, we can delete his account and products, and ban the email

To do list:

  • Add an email verification system: This will be the first thing to do, to avoid fake users

  • Add a password recovery system: So if an user forgots it’s password, we can reset it

  • Support other languages: Actually, only Spanish is supported

  • Add more units to the products: Suggest any other unit we could add


  • Compiled App: AppGro.apk (4.3 MB)
  • Source Code: AppGro.aia (1.2 MB) - I’ve removed all passwords fron this AIA. Just look to the code
  • Server Files: We haven’t published it, sorry. If you wish to develope your own version, talk to me in a PM

###Special Thanks

  • @Helios for his DialogsExtension and ColoursExtension
  • @mika for his SpecialToolsExtension
  • @Taifun for his ToolsExtension, TelephonyManagerExtension and GoogleAccountExtension

I hope you like this project :wink:


Nice project, way to go…:slight_smile:

Thanks, now I’m going to start with this:

I think that it is going to be more useful for users than AppGro :sweat_smile:


Wow it’s looking great :heart_eyes: Best of luck for the contest :grinning: :+1:


Looks great! One question, how do you use a server-side written in PHP (API) and MySQL (Database) with Thunkable? Is there a tutorial on how to create a database and connect it to the apps?

This might help you get started.


It’s awesome. I love the creative name too! I wish you the best for your contest! :thumbsup:

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Thanks :+1:

The name was idea of my partner, @Juca

As @Sivagiri_Visakan sais:

Yes, you can take a look to it to get started

Making a PHP API to connect the App with a WebComponent to the Database to get the data

Yeah, you can search in Google for how to communicate with an API, but as every API is different, you will have to make lots of changes

thank you for using my extensions,
keep up the good work!

see here App Inventor - MySQL interface


Good work! I’m eager to learn more about the server-side and basic security tips for my new apps to come!

How do you get this cool ideas for app :innocent:

Thinking about how to help people making her lifes easier :wink:

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AppGro is in the same situation as #chatable
As some people reported, it’s not working

I was using the same VPS for those apps, so as it went down both apps crashed and doesn’t work
Hopefully, I was able to recover server files, so when I find another server AppGro will became online again at the same time as #chatable

It’s Looks great.Nice idea dear.Wish you all the best.

que servidor nesecita??

Estaba usando un ArubaCloud de 1$ al mes

The app is online again :blush:

Now it’s running on an AmazonWebService inatance, type EC2 with OS AmazonAMI

Dear @Barreeeiroo
Why ApppGro.apk can’t to downloaded
When l trying to export the aia. It cannot too, l know you don’t continue this project again, but l really interesting to know how this app works.
Please solve the issues, thanks before.

Probably Thunkable Community was updated and some files were lost
I’ll re-upload again in a few hours