App Optimization - help!

Hello Thunkable users,

I recently finished my first ever app which would not have been possible without Thunkable, therefore i would like to thank the creators of this platform it is truly something else! Now to my question, since I am in no way expert I am sure there are some things i could do to optimize my app. I am open for any suggestions here is a link to the app

Thanks in advance!

Hey @kef4etvgsg3i :wave:

Congrats on completing your app - it’s a great accomplishment!

We have two other sections in the community that you can use for this. #SuccessfullyTHUNKd is for apps that you have published to an app store and would like feedback on how it functions. #ShareYourApps is for something like this where you want to “open source” your app to the wider community.

In both cases some screenshots or device art will help you get more of a response from the Community.
