📱 App of the Month: October 2018

After some fierce competition in August and September, it seems that October was a much quieter month with just 4 eligible apps being published. Another interesting thing to note is that all four apps are by creators who have never featured in App of the Month before so thank you for taking the time to publish your apps and share them with the community.

From this month onwards your now have two categories to vote in, so don’t forget to vote in both the
Published Apps category and in the Open Source Projects category.

Published Apps Category

a) Jasper Goes Skiing

Creator: @James_Sutton

b) Pinoy Henyo Online

Creator: @manelek

c) W27: Camera for photographing ghosts projections

Creator: @Hendri_Winata

d) Whats Chat

Creator: @hanistudio

Vote (Published Apps)

  • Jasper Goes Skiing
  • Pinoy Henyo Online
  • W27: Camera for photographing ghosts projections
  • Whats Chat
0 voters

Open Source Category

From this month onwards we also have an Open Source category for anyone who shared a Thunkable X project. If you shared a project between October 1 and October 31 and would like to be included please let me know.

a) Data Visualiser

by @actech
Combine the WebViewer and Google Charts to display graphs and charts in your app

b) Icons in ListViewer

by @actech
Add custom icons or images to a ListView

c) Check Device OS

by @actech
With this project you can check which operating system your user is running

d) Upload Files

by @actech
Access a local file and upload it via HTML

e) Game with Sound Effects

by @actech
In this game you must roll the dice to randomly decide how far your character should move.

Vote (Open Source Projects)

  • Data Visualiser
  • Icons in ListViewer
  • Check Device OS
  • Upload Files
  • Game with Sound Effects
0 voters

What about my Accounts Manager that was published at 28 Oct 18 in store?


Apologies for the oversight - I missed it because the original post was from May but I can see what happened in the edits.

Congrats on publishing your app, and if it’s ok with you I’ll make sure it’s included in the November edition - is that ok?


Hi @domhnallohanlon no need to apologize… I have indeed created the topic since May but I have not released the app until recently…

I do not mind you including it to November, its the same for me…

Thank you for your reply. :+1:


Thank you to everyone who voted for jasper goes skiing. :slight_smile:


Hi everyone. Thank you for voting on Pinoy Henyo Online. :joy::joy::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: