Any suggestions for creating a networking app?

Hi there,

I wanted to create an app where users can input data, the data gets stored in a database, and then every time a user connects with another user whos using the app through a method similar to a Snapcode, a virtual card with the information inputted by that user is available to be seen by the other user on his app. I recently started using Thunkable and have already figured out how to allow users to create an account with the authentication through firebase and get their inputted information to firebase as well. The two big problems I’m stuck on is how I can generate a QR Code for each user that other users can scan to add users? Also how can the information inputted by one user on the app only be visible to the users that are connected to each other?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @rahulmadhugiriulbh2 :wave: welcome to the Community!

Just going through your two questions

There’s no built-in component for QR code generation, but there are plenty of APIs out there and you can find examples here in the community too.

Some sort of look-up table sounds like the “easiest” approach, but I’m not sure how scalable that would be as the network grows? Are there a set number of users you are expecting?
Alternatively, maybe create a “keychain” of sorts. Each user has a unique key, new keys get added to the chain each time a new connection is made?