Does anyone have any alternatives to Google sheet?
I used Google sheet for a while but maximum quota per cell(50000 chars) makes it really hard to store long images or strings in a cell.
Best would be something with the use of the Api blocks.
I would maybe use Firebase/firestore (if you are comfortable setting up via their rest api, I don’t like it. I call it using JavaScript instead and write cloud functions. The full text queries are just not robust.
If you want to keep Onoko reproach, and you want to be able to query your data and search over that for tax in a very smart and efficient manner, I would use XANO. (This is a 10% off link)
I just completed a project with someone who is doing fulltext search in cells of data longer than 32,000 characters. To be robust we tested and were able to add at least 1 million characters and recall them without any data loss. In addition, doing full text searches over 200,000 different records with two cells for record that have that much texting them only takes about 3 1/2 to 4 seconds. It’s amazingly quick. Next best thing to algolia for searching those types of records