Alert issue or another get around

I use several screens and it seems that the alert messages are linked to the screen where they were created or am I wrong?
in my case I want the user to be notified after a backup that it has been made
if so I would have to put everything together in a screen :face_with_head_bandage:

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Alerts are defined in the component tree OR by using blocks. If you define their content in the component tree, then every alert on every screen will have the same content. But if you use blocks, each alert will be different.

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thanks for your intervention

i have used the alert before and i use them with the blocks
my concern is that the alerts do not work as notifications if I leave the screen associated with an alert I will not see it

Right, they are not pop-up notifications. For that, you’d have to use a third-party service.

In my application I use firebase and cloudinary
use an another service?
it’s starting to get a lot :wink:

whatever I can probably use firebase…

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Can you explain more or provide a simplified example of what you want to do.

Please note that alert component is asynchronous which means you will not see the alert popup if you change the screen (navigate to another screen) unless the navigation is inside the alert and with a condition.


unless the navigation is inside the alert and with a condition.

I might be interested but I don’t understand

I make backups even though my application is “visual”, that is to say that my backups feed a list of images if I do not see the image it means that it has not been saved it is even when although the user is informed but does not have to stay on a screen to know that it is done or not

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The alert will only show in the screen that has the blocks of the alert.

For example:
You have a function to make the backup which can take few minutes or seconds and will show an alert box when finish. This will work if you stay in the same screen but if you move to another screen then the alert box will not show.

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I experienced it and I understood that

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what I did not understand is this part of your precious intervention

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Hi @bibbi , you can try this: Set the alert you want as the result of a cloud variable that changes. Then you will see the alert no matter what screen you are in.

You can use these blocks:

Or in my case I use the same idea but when something in my Realtime DB changes (firebase):

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