Adding language selection to my app

Lets say we have 2 screens , and by pressing english i want to change my labels and buttons to english,
is it possible to do it ? Any design ideas ? Thanks

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Check this app


thanks a lot this will help me a lot

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My method is:
Create a page, you can choose the language (the home page or the top of the function page provides an earth language button), when this button is clicked, the page will switch to the language page.

Create a function, input text in various languages, and output text in the selected language.

My app screen shot

Program screen shot
Initially set a null value (for the first time)
Open the screen to update the language Fixed component language (non-fixed component is also possible, this function can be used at any time. )

Define function (only with this, other languages can be added.)
The most important switcher.

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Thanks for the input.

The issue here is that Thunkable has the function definition and scope is limited to the screen which means for an app with multiple screens you will have to create the same function in every screen but with slightly different names. This makes things a mess.

When Thunkable provides a way for Global Functions then such way would work for multi-screen apps.

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I only need to copy the function to each page, it takes about 3 to 5 seconds, and there is no need to use a different name.

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I will never have functions with the same name in my project if they can have different codes. This is bad practice and complicates changes and modifications. Not my cup of tea at all.

@domhnallohanlon This is needed!

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