Thank you for linking that tutorial! It’s given me a couple of things to try.
Here’s the full response I get:
"text":"Pictures show the Earth is flat, and sea levels haven’t changed",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"Pictures mislead: Ample evidence the Earth is round and sea levels ...",
"text":"Satellites are fake.",
"claimant":"instagram user",
"name":"Full Fact",
"title":"The Earth is not flat",
"textualRating":"There are many man-made satellites currently in orbit, playing an essential role in common electronic devices.",
"text":"The Earth is flat.",
"claimant":"instagram user",
"name":"Full Fact",
"title":"The Earth is not flat",
"textualRating":"We have abundant evidence going back thousands of years that the Earth is roughly spherical.",
"text":"The Earth is flat because cities cannot be upside-down",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"Fact check: Gravity pulls objects toward the center of the Earth",
"text":"Radar technology wouldn’t work if the Earth was a globe",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"No, radar technology doesn't prove Earth is flat | Fact check",
"text":"Video shows Elon Musk admitting he is a flat earther",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"Fact check: Video of Elon Musk discussing flat Earth theory is altered",
"text":"Image of Chicago skyline taken in Indiana proves Earth is flat",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"Fact check: Photo of the Chicago skyline from Indiana proves the ...",
"text":"Laser tests show bodies of water are level, which proves the Earth is flat",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"Fact check: False claim laser tests prove Earth is flat",
"text":"Celestial navigation would be impossible if Earth is round, orbits the sun",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"No, navigation by 'ancients' does not show Earth is flat | Fact check",
"text":"Moon visible in the daytime proves Earth is flat",
"claimant":"Social media",
"name":"USA Today",
"title":"Fact check: False claim moon visible during daytime is proof of flat ...",