🎨 WDC #2 (Weekend Design Challenge) Weather App UI

Weekend Design Challenge #2

Ok, let’s mix it up this week! This time the challenge is to see if you can get your designs completed before the weekend and the topic for WDC #2 is to design a…

Weather App :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Lets take a look at some professional examples for inspiration

Weather Underground

The Weather Underground App gives prominence to the weather map and current temperature which draws your attention immediately. This is positioned below the forecast location, which is displayed in a san-serif font, and sits comfortably on the light grey background.
If you look closely, you can see that high and low temp for the day displayed above the current temperature. Below this an icon is used to quickly and clearly communicate that the weather is cloudy (overcast) and the user can also see the chance of rain with the wind speed and direction on the main screen.


Darksky have taken a similar approach, including maps and charts in their UI. The size and central positioning of the temperature and the forecast icon grab your attention, and at the top of the screen the bold, black letters stand out against the white background.


You can see a much different example if you look at Yahoo Weather


They’re chosen to use a full screen image of the location and positioned temperature and forecast data in the bottom left of the screen. The height of the slender temperature digits makes them easy to read, and icon are used to identify the forecast, the min and the max temperature for the day.

Over to you!

Now it’s your turn - what information do you think is most important to display, where would you position it and how will you style it?

Looking forward to seeing your designs!


How to make that? Open weather map is nit providing free servuce now

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That’s design challenge so it’s enough to just design… And prototype app which doesn’t function. I think


This is purely a design challenge. The app doesn’t need to function, it’s just a mock-up.



iOS Weather App Design Challenge

Someone challenged me to design the iOS weather app not too long ago. The video is finished, but I haven’t published it yet. But of course, I’d love to share it here with you!

Here’s how it turned out!

Here’s my unreleased video… :grin:


Hello everyone, This is my submission for the WDC 2

I designed these with Adobe Comp on my Android Device.
Hope everyone try using it and submit their designs !

Cheers !


Designer created with thunkable x.

after adding more screens or logic, I’ll share the remix link

Please extend the challenge time from 3 to 5/6 days (to give more time to make more screens / design). Thanks rsrsrs


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:heart_eyes: Love this design ! Well done.