👩‍🎨 The future of UI design in Thunkable


Here are all the #draganddrop FAQs in a single post, to keep things easier to follow and cross reference.

Can I swap between the new UI and the Legacy UI?

No. When you create your project you can choose whether to use the new UI or not.

See also:

Can I convert from the Legacy UI to the new UI?

Not right now - but we’re planning on adding a converter so you can migrate existing “rows and columns” projects to shiny new Drag and Drop projects.

See also:

Can I convert from the new UI to Legacy?

Nope. We want to focus on the new UI right now. Getting the existing UI to support layers and groups is out of scope.

Are there any performance benefits when using the new UI?

You should notice improvements in terms of adding, resizing, renaming and positioning components in your designs. This update is focused on making the UI design portion of app development as straightforward, intuitive, and fast as possible.

See also:

Are some of the Visible Components missing?

At the time of launch the Admob banner, Date Picker, Time Picker, Switch, Stack Navigator won’t be in the new UI. We’re actively working on getting versions of these components out to you soon.

See Also:

Are some of the Component Properties missing?

We’ve launched with the most frequently used properties but there might be some advanced properties that aren’t immediately available. Let us know which ones you want/need and we’ll prioritise accordingly.

See Also:

Are some of the Invisible Components missing?

Nope! The Realtime DB, Airtable, Local Storage, and Local DB components (along with all the other API components) are now accessible directly from the blocks. For RealtimeDB use Cloud variables, Airtable is available through the Data tab, and Local Storage is available through stored variables.

See Also:

Does the new UI have less features than the old one?

Nope! We’ve reordered things into the top bar and the side bar, moved some things into menus and even added a couple of things in to a new menu, so you actually have more features - they’re just organised more efficiently now.

See Also:

Do you have any tips for using the new UI?

Drag and Drop is a big improvement over the old Snap to Position system, but at the same time it is also a change for existing users. Here are some FAQs around usability and UX of the new design tab:

Are there any known bugs?

Thanks to the feedback from the Community we already know about quite a few of them. However, since we get feedback via email, PMs, Github Issues etc there might not be 100% visibility for everyone on what these are. We’re working to improve how we handle and respond to these issues as they arise.

See also: