How to show 1st column of last row of Air Table?

Hello All,

I want to ask about how to get data of 1st column of last row to be shown in my app.I am not able to get any way to show that data.I am also getting problem in arranging blocls for this . Some one kindly please help me to do this.

If you know the name of a column. Get that column. Check for the length of the response. This is how many rows you have. Use that number as the row number for the last row.

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Row Number is not Specified this is what the problem I am facing.Every time when screen initialize a new number generate so that row is not specified .So what to do in that case?
Thanks in Advanse

Please tell me…


Just wanted to point out to you that it’s not particularly good etiquette to repeatedly tag someone repeatedly like you’ve done here.

I appreciate that you are eager to get your app built and that you’re trying your best, however this question has been asked in the past. What results did you find when you searched the community for “Airtable row number”?


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I am Sorry sir but What I want is not any where I have searched every where but unable to find . I have done that when screen will initilize automatic a new Data in Air table will be added and the row number is not fixed in database.That is what the problem I am facing.Thanks for reply.

Hi, @sakshamgoyal4031! :wave:

Try this -


Thanks! :blush:


How to do this same in thunkable classic?

We strongly suggest you to migrate your app from Classic to Thunkable X, which is a more powerful builder.
Thunkable Classic is going to completely retire soon.

Thanks! :blush:

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Can I transfer all my work to Thunkable X?

No, you can’t directly transfer your Classic Project to Thunkable X. But you can re-build it, and we would be glad to help you with that.

Thanks! :blush:

Please help me in rebuilding my app in Thunkable X… :slightly_smiling_face: Or Please tell me anyway to do this in classic.

Any Alternate way to do this in Thunkable Classic?

Let us know your app’s features and the components you used. So we could help you better.

Thanks! :blush:

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I have made login and Sign up screen using Firebase And after that I have made a Form i which students will fill their details and linked that form to Air table.Till now these 3 screens I have made and

Their is Forget password Screen also.

please help me as I dont have much experience on Thunkable X

@jared has a quite good experience with using Firebase, so he might help you with that. (Don’t tag him again asking for help!)

Have you made the form manually (i.e. with textboxes?) or an official Airtable Form?

Thanks! :blush:

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getColumn = “columnname you want to grab the last row”
getRow > store to a global list > get the length of the list > store the length to a global variable > get last row value using the get variable that stores the length of the row

How to set blocks for this Using Air table
please help me

Hi, @sakshamgoyal4031! :wave:

The above description of the blocks you want = my previously provided blocks.
Both will produce the same result.

I am quoting them again -


Thanks! :blush:

Bro i want to do that in Thunkable Classic