šŸ“± App of the Month: September 2018

Welcome to our third ā€œApp of the Monthā€ competition. Thank you so much to all the wonderful Thunkable creators who have submitted apps to #SuccessfullyTHUNKd . Some creators are seasoned Thunkers while others are new to the community, but in all cases these apps are the culmination of many hours of effort.

Who Should I Vote For?

Thanks to @Eenjeen for creating this helpful AotM video:

He suggests you judge an app based on:

  1. The Idea/Concept of the app
  2. The design/UI of the app
  3. Any errors of bugs in the app

The Apps

Please take a moment to review some of the apps your fellow community members have created and cast your vote for your favourite.

a) Quiz Genius

Created by @aahwaan

b) OSO Browser

Created by @oso_browser

c) Help the Needy

Created by @oso_browser

d) Talk to Me 2

Created by @point

e) USA

Created by @Hayder

f) Wandelen in de Wijk

Created by @Peter_Mathijssen

g) Fire Distinguisher

Created by @hi1

h) A Bird Chase

Created by @agahrana

i) NextG Browser

Created by @MrinmoyKumar

j) Langauge Translator

Created by @akhil

k) Lottery Game

Created by @Django

l)The Mood

Created by @milton_marsh

m) Car Finder

Created by @Mr_Blackd

n) 4 Colours - Train Your Memory

Created by @Manuel_Ballesta

o) Thunkword Alpha

Created by @Valaki_52

p) All In One Sensors

Created by @Dhananjay_Satanure

q) 10 Health Tips

Created by @Hi-Tech_Khokhar_s

r) Omni Wheels Control

Created by @fabioirmao

Vote Now

Voting will run from Monday 1st October until Friday 12th October. It would be really fantastic if you could share this post with your friends and followers on social media too!


  • Quiz Genius
  • OSO Browser
  • Help the Needy
  • Talk to Me 2
  • USA
  • Wandelen in de Wijk
  • Fire Distinguisher
  • A Bird Chase
  • NextG Browser
  • Langauge Translator
  • Lottery Game
  • The Mood
  • Car Finder
  • 4 Colours - Train Your Memory
  • Thunkword Alpha
  • All In One Sensors
  • 10 Health Tips
  • Omni Wheels Control
0 voters

I would like thank the organizers from the core of my heart for publishing my app as the app of the month. This is my first multi-language application developped with the available resources on Thunkable including JSON tools and Colins TreeList View Tools.

Thanks to the developpers of Thunkable for enabling persons of non-technical background like us to develop Interesting web based Android Applications.

Once again I am grateful to you for having chosen my app as the app of the month.

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Can I vote? Because here in India itā€™s already Monday (1/10/2018) evening :smile::smile: Just joking :joy:

Btw on a serious note, I want to ask that whenever voting starts, can I vote for more than one app? Because this time some of the entries are really fantastic both function and quality wise.

Happy to know the way people are using Thunkable. We are moving towards the new way of developing full fledge apps.
Happy Thunking :slight_smile:


I completely agree @Vaibhav_Patil, itā€™s always amazing to see the ideas that Thunkable Creators come up with.

Soon! Iā€™ve accidentally omitted some apps in the past so to mitigate against this, going forward, what Iā€™ll do is publish a list and if anyone spots an app that Iā€™ve left out then can let me know before voting starts.

Unfortunately not, I know itā€™s hard to pick just one app, but weā€™ll be recognising the top 4 or so apps every month.


Thank you !!!

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Thank you to everyone who voted in Septemberā€™s App of the Month competition. This was the most entries weā€™ve had so far and it also drew a record number of votes.

Huge credit is due to our wonderful community of creators with special mentions going to @Dhananjay_Satanure, @Valaki_52, @point and @hi1 who topped the poll this month. Well done to all - Iā€™m really looking forward to seeing what October has in store.

Finally, please take a look Thunkableā€™s most recent blog post. @Jimmy has done a really great job summarizing the competition and sharing your apps with the world. Feel free to share this with your friends and families!

ā€œSeptember 2018: Thunkable App of the Monthā€ by Jimmy Haber https://link.medium.com/8R5V1xMfgR


Hi domhnall,

Please could you add my app ā€˜jasper goes skiingā€™ into Octoberā€™s competition (if you are holding one)

My app was solely built with thunkable and it proved that anyone without coding knowledge (me) could make a working app!

I have posted in the successfully thunked catergory, so you can find the link there or i can send you the link if youā€™d prefer.



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No problem @James_Sutton, Iā€™ve included your app in the October App of the Month here:

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Thank you - much appreciated :slight_smile:

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