Hi Thunkers!
On today’s great day I want to introduce you my brand new (and first published) app named Thunkword!
. It’s a password generator & checker app, obviously made with Thunkable
Where does the name come from?
A simple math : Thunkable + password= Thunkword
What is this app does:
In the password generator screen you can generate 10-100 character long passwords. You can choose if you want, what include in the password: Upcase letters, Downcase letters, Symbols, and Numbers.
In the password checker screen you can check how secure is your password. It also checks if your password is in the 1000 most used password.
Please note that this app is still in Alpha version, so it can contain bugs. If you found one, feel free to report it!
More features coming soon!
Used resources & Thanks to
- Clipboard & Tools extensions from @Taifun
- Slidebar and ActionBar extensions from @Andres_Cotes
- Dialogs extension by @Helios
- Thanks to danielmiessler for the top 1000 password library
- Thanks to @Sabin_thunker for his awesome CSVs
- Thanks to Google for material icons, i used them everywhere.
- And as well thanks to the @thunkable team for their awesome builder.
Apk: You can download it from the Aptoide Appstore, from right here!
Aia: Thunkword.aia (303.4 KB)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.