What does it mean


What does it mean

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You should really Google this as it has nothing to do with Thunkable.

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It means you have Database rules preventing you from accessing the database after 4 days.

You either accept it this way or head on to the rules tab for you Firebase database and change it to what fits your requirements.

When you create a new database and choose the test mode, Firebase will provide a default rule to access the database for one month only. Something similar to this:

  "rules": {
    ".read": "now < 1622790000000",  // 2021-6-4
    ".write": "now < 1622790000000",  // 2021-6-4

When you come close to the expiration data, Firebase will send you notification messages to act on the rules, you can:

  • Change the rule for another month or another year
  • Create a different rule

or just leave it to expire if you plan to delete the database.