Hello, thunkbale community, i am currently working on a multiplayer quiz game, where two users can play global quiz with each other.
So, for doing this, i am storing their user IDS in an object Waiting
in firebase, and then when there are 2 participants in the Waiting, i am collecting their IDS and making a unique match id of 8 chars using random chars, and then storing the match id as value of their user id in a new object Players current match ID
I have two demo users now, one with user ID: o9=>i!tk
and one with
Now the problem is that, when i store their user IDS in players current match ID, the user id o9=>i!tk
stores wrong ID, can u please help.
Some screenshots for more information about code and result
The Firebase result is like this:
The random match ID stored in
is wrong and that of other is true,
Can anyone please tell why its happening?