Use base64 encoded images

You can ask, why should I encode images in base64 format, if I can add many files to the project at once? Because in some cases it’s more convenient to work with base64 - you can quickly update a huge amount of images in the project and get additional information about them (width, height, color depth, type, etc., that you want to add using the script).

Below is a php script that displays in the browser window text in base64 format for all graphics files in the specified (“sourceimages”) directory.

$list = array();

while ($File=readdir($Dir)):
	if (is_dir($File)==false)
			$path = $DirPath.$File;
			$data = file_get_contents($path);
			$fileInfo = getimagesize($path);
			$base64 = 'data:'.$fileInfo["mime"].';base64,' . base64_encode($data);
echo implode('#', $list);

After that, you can copy the base64 text into a text block “base54List” and turn it into a list for further work, as shown below.


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