I’m new here and I was trying to send a value through a GET method in a URL.
The value is sent every time that a slide is actioned to inform the new position.

I was testing in an iPhone and it did not work, but when I tried the same structure in an Android mobile phone from a friend, it runs.

Is there any care that I need to take, or any differences that I need to respect, or permission to ask, or is there any known bug about GET (or URL) in iOS?

Thank you in advance.

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@gutenbar, If you could post a copy/share link to your project (see here for how) that will help us diagnose the problem.

Thank in advance.


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Hi @Mark,

Here is the link

The problem is on the second screen (TelaControles).

Thanks for your attention.

@gutenbar, By default, iOS disallows fetching data with insecure URLs (i.e. ones that start with “http:”). Is there any chance that you can run your server in a secure mode that allows “https” connections?

BTW, you might have gotten some useful information about the problem by checking the response, status and error values coming back from the GET calls.

Also note that you can use the set Query Parameters block rather than having to explicitly generate new URL strings. So, for example, you could have the following replace your funcEnviar function:


and set your URL in the designer properties.


Hi @Mark,

Sorry for the delay, but only yesterday I could test your recommendations.

The goal of this project was to control a small robot from a mobile phone (running the Thunkable-based interface on the iOS system) to a Wemos D1 Mini board (an Arduino Uno compatible board) via a wifi connection created by the board.

HTTPS requires a certificate and we cannot solve this part, even by generating it. So, the solution was to invert and connect the Wemos to a network generated/shared by the cell phone. Doing this, the connection was instantaneous and everything worked fine except the sliders that control the engine speed, but this is subject to another forum entry.

Thank you very much.

[PS. the set Query Parameters was a very good instruction. Thank you!]

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Great to hear, @gutenbar!