Update data source specifying column

Is it possible to specifically select the cell where the data source will be updated? I have many columns where the data will be updated, I need to be able to select the specific cell in different cases for different columns, if I use the update block for each column I would need too many blocks.

I attach the image of what I would need as a block and all the columns I use. Comparatively to take the result of a cell if it can be done by specifying the column and row id using object get property,

You have two options as I see it:

  1. Use the Google Sheets API so that you can update a cell dynamically instead of having to select it with a block.

  2. Use Firebase instead which allows for cloud variable pathnames. This may or may not be a good option depending on what you need to do with your data and who needs access to it.

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Thanks for the reply. There are cases where I used the Firebase method. But in this case I need the data source update to be offline. It seems to me that in Google Sheets and Firebase I need an internet connection.

You could use objects. You can create them in the format you want and then call on specific properties using dynamic text strings or variables.

Hello @franc.pozo21qlruw9
Now this is possible using our new Data source blocks!
Check out our update here: V471 Release Notes - Announcements / Release Updates - Community (thunkable.com)

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