[Solved] Unable to upload images in Thunkable get invalid signature and time stamp

Dear All,
I am using Thunkable and try to take a picture and store it into cloudinary via mediaDb but i get Invalid Signature baf5fcbad23769c265adb4112c679fc57dcabfdb. String to sign - ‘timestamp=1719927671’. .

When I checked with cloudinary support team they were asking about the code using to generate this signature.

Then they advised generate an authentication signature as documented Generating authentication signatures | Cloudinary … which I seriously did not understand.

I surfed here and found mutiple conversation happened but no where I found a solution to be easy…

Is there a easy step as like before to upload image from Thunkable to Cloudinary.?

Your help is greatly appreciated.
Sharing the error screenshot

Sasi Preetha

Hello @testertry619hk7j
Welcome to the community
Probably the issue is happening because the API Secret is not correct.
Could you please check the Cloudinary Settings in your project?

yes. Api Secret is the problem. Its working now.

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