[Solved] Special Character Input

Sounds like a lot to just reproduce. want to share a project link ?


Going off of your issue, there are 6 inputs:

  • Name
  • Door Number
  • Card Number
  • Card Security Code
  • Cash Switch
  • Card Switch

Correct me if I am wrong here, I will try do up a solution to this for you. You need:

  • None of the number inputs to contain a special character
  • Check no inputs are blank
  • Card input to = 16
  • Card security code input = 3* (I am guessing this is the same as a debit/credit card number security code)
  • Either cash or card switch must be positive, i.e. neither the can be the same value (this will mean one switch has to be positive)

Let me know how this example works out for you:

Again, apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

This example looks a little crazy, but it does work for me.

Example Run Down:

  • First IF statement is to check card, cvv and room no. are all numbers. This is done by joining them together and checking if they’re positive. Only numbers can be positive :slight_smile:
  • Second and third IF statements check for empty text, these could be joined into one statement but I left it this way in case you wanted to customise the response messages in the Alert.
  • Fourth and fifth IF statements check that the card number length = 16 and that the CVV length = 3.
  • Sixth IF statement checks that both switches aren’t the same value, thus one must be positive :slight_smile:

Let me know how you get on here.

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@jared I will send a link if @eoinparkinson solution doesn’t work and yh I believe you have done it according to my requirements. I will try it now.

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I forgot to say before that the Name column cannot include Special Characters either.

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I found this post on Stack Overflow, specifically this comment:


If you’re using Stripe API for your app, then ignore the special characters input for Name Input and let Stripe give you the error message, which you can translate in app as an Alert to the user.


You can still filter out some things like, "&,./?><{}*^%$€£#! etc. But I wouldn’t worry too much more about that since you will get an error when processing payment.

Would I need to use something like Stripe? As I am only creating a prototype.

My edited answer above kind of answers this. If the user enters incorrect information, the actual processing of the card will return an error. It’s the same as entering the incorrect 16-digit card number or wrong CVV. They will all return an error.

@jared Here’s the link: https://x.thunkable.com/copy/a69b1435b31a7ecd250bc97d6cac7f22
If you can get it working as I intended to it will be greatly appreciated.

Just to remind you of my requirements:

  • None of the inputs can have Special Characters in them
  • No inputs can be blank (Remember to include the postcode as well which I have done as a dropdown)
  • Card Input = 16 Numbers
  • Card Security Code Input = 3 Numbers (Same as CVV)
  • An alert when both Card and Cash equal False (I have already programmed the switch)

If you are unable to do it is fine. As, I only need the majority of my app which it is. But, I wanted to try and get this working so I can give a better impression when showing the prototype off.

This is a weighty request. What have you tried since @eoinparkinson‘s suggestions?

However, if the community cannot help you, I do offer low cost paid support via my website jaredgibb.xzy

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I tried @eoinparkinson suggestion it worked however I would want to include it with the feature which will not allow for Special Characters to be inputted. This is a university assignment and on the specification it says that the majority of the app features should work which they do. I just wanted to do a bit more validation to get more marks to be honest.

Well, can we see what you’ve tried or what you think needs to happen?

I will try to tomorrow as I am going off now.


I have got it working albeit the method is a bit long to code. But it works as I want it to.

My method:

(The first ELSE IF)

Glad you got it working. Be sure to share your app when it is done.

Sure, do you want me to post it here?

You can post your app in #SuccessfullyTHUNKd. Be sure to tell us how & why you went about the app, what it does and include a few screenshots :slight_smile:

Happy Thunking.


Thanks anyway for the help you and @jared gave. If I get chance to I will certainly post my app and screenshots of my app.

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