Sign Up/Login with Email

I am trying to use the Sign Up/Login with Email option.
I have received the Sign In link on my email.

I want to check on the following question:
The message in email says that it signs me out after 30 days.
So, assuming after the first 30 days, I have been signed out.
Now, I didn’t use Thunkable for more 10 to 15 days.
I request for a new link,
Using the same email Id as above,
then I Sign In/Login using the new link,
Does it bring me back to the same account as earlier, with all my projects restored?

[Checking this to be used from a POV of a FREE USER only]

buenas tardes soy de republica dominicana me puedes decir que puedo hacer para que firebase me aparezca en thumkable ?

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