Show/hide password icon not shown

The icon for showing the text in the password field is not appearing in the text field.
The field is secured. Randomly the show/hide icon has sometimes appeared whithout any changing in the code from our side

Please help me if you have any solutions

Best regards

Which component/block you are using?

I think that’s how it is in the Mobile Versions.

Hello @pmginvestda6z
The password icon will only appear when you enable “Secure Text Entry” on the text input and is only accessible on the web. For mobile, you can achieve the same function by using two text inputs and two images.

So I remembered right, I made this with two textboxes because I hadn’t found it :sweat_smile: It will be possible, in the future, to add the same feature for mobile too ?

@Goldking I suggest you make a Feature Requests about this.

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