Set Authenication Header Dynamically

Two things:

  1. The API returns JSON but you are getting the property of an object. This is correct but you are providing JSON instead of an object. To fi this, you have to use the get object from JSON block in front of the green response block.

  2. Once you do that, you will be able to get the “items” property from the API response. However, that property is an array (list) of objects. So you won’t be able to view it as a label’s text as you’ve tried above. Instead, you need to get specific properties that you want from that array.

You might want to watch my tutorial video here. It explains how to copy & paste the full JSON response into so you can understand the structure and then from there, it shows you how to parse out specific values (properties).

If you just want to play around with all this, you can set a label’s text to get property "items[1].links[1].href" of object [get object from JSON] [response] and you should see “the first url in that screenshot” appear in the label.

If you can’t get it to work, post updated screenshots and I can see if I can help you. But again, that video might be a good starting point if you want to better understand all of this.

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