Screenshot Share

hi, I want to put a share button in the application, on which screen did I click this button, I want to take a screenshot of this screen and share it with the information entered by the user, can I do this?

@yigitishesabigng there’s no screenshot facility, but you can capture all the information from the UI directly and share that via email.

Is that what you’re trying to do?

Where would the user share their data after the screenshot is taken?

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what I want to do is that the user has a share button on the information screen that he added himself, clicking on it will help him to take a screenshot of the screen and share it with the person he wants, I want to do this.

tr: yapmak istediğim, kullanıcının kendi eklediği bilgi ekranında bir paylaş düğmesine sahip olması, üzerine tıkladığında ekranın ekran görüntüsünü alıp istediği kişiyle paylaşmasına yardımcı olacak, bunu yapmak istiyorum.

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