Push Notifications block

Hi, i set up my one signal account and apple developer… What is the push notification block for and how is it used?

Anyone? My One signal account is set up and I think I understand how to use it. But… I don’t know what to do with the push notification block in thinkable and when and how to use it. I put in the apple app id into the settings icon for push notification

There is a good example on how to set up the web API call for OneSignal in this thread: oneSignal blocks help - #4 by ioannis

Is that the only way to do push notifications? I set up my One Signal account and put that ID thing into the text bob in the block page within the setting button of the push notification. Now, do I have to set up a Web API or am I all set - saying that I can now send out push notificaitons without any code i need to make

If you want to do super customized or dynamic push notifications, you will need to use Web API to do that. Otherwise, you can just use the One Signal dashboard to send push notifications to all your users.