Pet Rescue Language Learning - Exploriverse, educational, admob, IAP subscriptions

This is two years in the making (Pro since 2020). I’m not a programmer so thunkable is a perfect fit for me. I have learned a lot from many people here on this forum. Special shot out to @jared for helping with IAP I couldn’t have done it with out him.

Pet Rescue Language Learning teaches English language grades 1st, 2nd, & 3rd based on common core curriculm standards here in the USA. Based on a quiz engine I constructed, daily reward system, pet sim game play, a store, inventory, and loot crate system. I won’t spoil everything I put into it, you can download for yourself and have a play.

I’m still experiencing white screen with lotti animations and a hard crash with Android builds so until these are fixed I won’t be able to update this app. @domhnallohanlon

Apple app store

Google play store

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