Opportunity to become a Thunkable certified expert through Fiverr partnership

Hello everyone :wave: We’re excited to share that we are partnering with Fiverr to launch a new way for freelancers to get Thunkable certified and connect with folks looking to hire an expert to build and launch their app on Thunkable!

The freelancer marketplace is set to launch in the coming weeks and will be promoted to all Thunkable creators who may need help from experts to turn their ideas into apps. It is free to apply and get certified, and become listed as a Thunkable expert in the marketplace once you complete the certification and create your profile. Apply here, and reply below with any questions!


Sir i am thunkable developer from 2019 and i am freelancer too. I have applied for thunkable certified freelancer program but somehow i got 70 marks in the test and now i don’t have option to do that test again. I am really willing to join this program and i have developed alot of apps on thunkable and i am Level 2 Seller on fiverr for Thunkable app building.
Please to retake my test. So i can get certificate.

I missed the test marks due multiple choice in some questions that make difficult. Like choosing multiple options from 5-6 options and most of them are similar answers that cause to lose some marks that make my secore to 70.

Hi @starsaqib228ruj - thanks for letting us know. I’ve reached out to the Fiverr team asking to allow you to retake the certification test, and also relayed your feedback.


I agree that the test could be improved. I scored 80 and barely passed because there were questions that weren’t worded well. I passed that feedback on to Fiverr.


I got 83 Marks :face_exhaling: :face_exhaling:
Created a Gig,
How much time it would take to get live?

You should hear back within a few days, but let us know if you do not.


I created the Gig!
And it’s live!


Thanks i got Thunkable Expert Gig on fiverr and i am getting more orders than usual :heart:

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what about a Thunkable certified expert through upwork and freelancer

Hi @22kifayatun8ne, thanks for asking about this! We do not currently have any partnerships through Upwork or Freelancer.

hi @matt_conroy plz add it to the suggestion list

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