Need help on timere logic

I need your help on this logic in thunkable, the logic is very simple , if the user clicks the button start the timer of 10 minutes, and navigate them to home screen, and ( there’s a button on homescreen to navigate to other screen) if the timer ends than navigate to other screen , otherwise wait for it , and also I want this logic run even the user close the apps and restart next time ( Blocks Implementation) and timer should not stop even the app restart, for example user clicks the button which can start the timer of 2 minutes, than user close the app and restart after one minute, so timer should also decrease ( count time when app was closed) as same!

can someome please help with it by providinng a logic exampel

Hello @salmannawaz1724xjqj0
The timer continues to run even if you switch screens.

You can check this sample project: Thunkable

To build the feature to work when users close the app you could use the “seconds since 1970” block

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