Does anyone knows where can I find some tutorials, infos, tips to use Mysql on X platform ?
How should I replace these blocks in thunkable X?
It comes from this tutoriel :
Just go on in this discussion… I have made an app using MySQL and created my own API using PHP and all works well in Thunkable Classic and in other platforms, (just using WEB Component to get data in JSON). Can I use this kind of approach using Thunkable X?
Now, for the first time, I have to create an app to work in IOS devices and I’m looking for the best way to do this
Yes, of course!!! In fact I think the appropriate question in this case could be: There is the WEB Component in Thunkable X with the same Events and Methods of Thunkable Classic. If the answer is YES, then it’s possible… I’m gonna make a research about it.