Latest Android Release (Feb 20) - Package name bug fixes

Hey Thunkers,

We made a few bug fixes in our latest release to folks having trouble with preserving their existing package names.

  • Package name - preserves existing package name for projects that have “check point”; imported projects can also preserve their package name by selecting “uploading legacy app project (.aia) from my computer”
  • “Save as” - projects created via this option are now able to be exported and installed

For you impacted by these bugs, we appreciate your patience as we released a fix!

Big thanks to @Mark for his work on this!

Albert on behalf of the Thunkables

Release notes here (they are the same as what’s written above)


Hi There,

Thanks you for fixing… however it would be nice if you can release new enhancements in temporary beta before rolling out to production - this is the industry standard procedures. Rolling on prod directly is not a good idea.


Thanks a lot for fixing these bugs! We do appreciate that!

Hi Zama,

Thanks for the tip – we actually do roll things out internally for testing before we push to production. We try to catch all errors before they are released but we haven’t figured out a way to be perfect yet. If you have suggestions, please send them along.

Albert @ Thunkable

I USE legacy option but my package name not changed to app inventor format. So unable update my app anymore can you help