Hi @ioannis . Thanks once more for your help. This response is a bit lengthy, but wanted to explain the behaviours as I’m seeing now. (This is from starting with no existing records in the Combinations1 table):
When screen 1 opens:
- Everything looks OK
- I get a random item for Option A and a random item for Option B appearing as text in the OptionA and OptionB buttons
When I click OptionA button:
- The table in Combinations1 updates correctly - a record is created with the correct OptionA and Option B and 1 is added to the VotesForA field, and the PercentA and PercentB fields update
- The labels do not update - the label text should be appearing now as the text in the PercentA (100) and PercentB (0) fields, but nothing is displayed
Click Option A again (same 2 options on screen as before)
- The table updates correctly i.e. VotesForA updates to “2”
- The labels update correctly too - LabelA text shows as 100 and LabelB text shows as 0
If I click Option A button again (still same 2 options as before)
- Nothing happens - table record does not update
Click Option B (same 2 options as before still on screen)
- Table updates correctly - 1 added to VotesForB, PercentA and PercentB fields also update
- Label text does not change (it should change to the new PercentA and PercentB values)
If I click Option B again (same 2 options as before)
- Nothings happens - table fields do not update
If I now click “Another”
- Gets 2 new random items for Option A and Option B as it should, and shows these as the text in the OptionA and OptionB buttons
- The label text stays on screen from the time before I pressed “Another”. I would want this to reset when “Another” is clicked
Click Option A button
- Table updates correctly - two new items are added in a new row and the VotesForA field updates to “1”
- The label texts disappear where I want them to now show the PercentA and PercentB values for the new row
Click Option B button (same 2 options)
- Table updates correctly, so now shows VotesForA=1, VotesForB=1, PercentA=50, PercentB=50
- Label texts also update correctly - shows LabelA text as 50 and LabelB text as 50
Click Option A again (same items)
- Table updates OK - VotesForA=2, VotesForB=1, PercentA=67, PercentB=33
- Labels on screen do not update though
Click “Another” and get 2 options that are already an existing combination in the Combinations1 source
Click Option A
- Nothing happens - no records update
Click Option B
- Table updates OK - correct existing records update
Try clicking Option A again
- Creates a new entry in table with a different (incorrect) Option A but the correct Option B - it should not create a new record line at all as the combination already exists
Click Option B
- Table updates correct Option B but wrong Option A existing combination
Click Option B again
- Updates table with new record containing both wrong Option A and wrong Option B