to every row of my database i have a “datafield” named “seleced” - with this “flag =0/1)” i want to “select” or “deselect” each item before showing it in a dataviewer-list / -grid.
how do i have to code this with blocks, that only items with flag = 1 are shown in dataviewer-list / - grid?
Data Viewer Lists can only show the entire contents of a data source. So in order to filter them, you have to duplicate the data source and filter it. You can have a second data source where you delete all rows and then create rows and populate them from the data in your original data source but only if a condition is true (selected = 1). You’ll need to loop through the original data source to do this.
Yep, switching from a stored variable to an app variable is also going to be faster. If you need to use a stored variable, assign its value to an app variable before using the app variable in the loop.