Your project allows the user to enter a number and then counts down that many minutes a second at a time. When it reaches zero, it displays “you are:”
What else do you want it to do?
Your project allows the user to enter a number and then counts down that many minutes a second at a time. When it reaches zero, it displays “you are:”
What else do you want it to do?
I want the user to be able to enter a number and there will be a countdown to 0 to that number and then there will be an alert saying you are this this much old…Is that possible?
Yes, it’s possible.
How do you want to determine how old the person is? Are you planning to use a text input for that or to calculate it somehow?
You can use the Join block to include the user’s age in your Alert message.
The person will put there gas in text input and then the counter will start from 0-to there age and then the alert comes in to say you are this much old that’s what iam planning will the join block be good for that?
What do you mean by “gas”?
So if my age is 22 then your app will count from 0 to 22 for 22 minutes and then announce that my age is 22? I guess I don’t understand the point of that.
If the Join block is helpful then I would say… use it. If you need more help, explain where you’re stuck and post a link to the updated project.
Edit: I re-read the assignment you mentioned above and it sounds like the teacher wants you to announce each year (once per minute). So you’ll have to figure out how to do that by checking the timer value and once per minute making a sound or something.
Is your teacher helping you with this? Or are you expected to learn everything from the Thunkable forums?
Hi sorry the auto correct made it say gas I meant to say age though
And yes I think my teacher wants what you said though so she gave us a slideshow on loop blocks….And I don’t even know what is a join block… And your first understanding was right she wants me to make an app that if your age is 22 then your app will count from 0 to 22 for 22 minutes and then announce that my age is 22
I think I will just ask her to help me code it and clarify tomorrow since I think it is hard for you to understand my situation…
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