How do I change From Drag and Drop Screen to The Old User Interface

I made an application using the Drag and Drop New User Interface, Please how do i switch to the old user interface.

On the new User Interface, i couldn’t access most of the components

You can’t. Once you started an app on legacy or DnD, its final.

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however can i use the formal keystore file for the old user interface… To start all over

I guess you can. As interface has nothing to do with it. Im having trouble myself too with developing new update for my app, but in other way, as im waiting thunkable aproove again, cause my app have adMob inserted… (even if new version has the same imported key). Waiting here, on Thunkable, then waiting again on GoogleStore for review there too… thats almost 2 weeks of waiting :thinking: … and if in the meantime ill discover some bug of my app, and ill need to patch again… guess what ? maybe ill need to wait again :blush:

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Opp! this is so annoying though… However thanks for your response. You just gave me the right answers. Thanks so much

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