How can i remove characters from a list?

Hi all…
This code block gives this result

As you can see there are mentioned time in this image hh:mm:ss

I simply want to remove all last three characters for both
“Planerad avgång” and “Estimerad avgång”

Instead of 17:19:56 i want to show 17:19 (hh:mm) for all departures comming up (This image show only 1…

Can someone advice?

Because you’re working with a time string that’s formatted as hh:ii:ss, the characters are fixed. All you need to do in this case is get the substring from character 1 to character 5.

… and thinking about it more, if your string isn’t consistent, you could create a list based on the “:” as a delimiter. Then extract the parts from the newly created list, and join them back together.

Either way should work, the second option my be better practice.

Hmmm - Thanks for trying. As you can see from the creation of the list item it is the actual list item that contains two separate time sequences. So i probably need this to happen before it goes into the list. Do you have any more suggestions? Or someone else?

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Setup temp vars at the start of your loop to create the lists for the time strings you want to manipulate, and you’re good.