Having problem with Google spreadsheet

I am having trouble in shown One of my column from Google spreadsheet.
as you can see in the screenshot there are 50 rows but in Upcoming Column there are some empty ones that cause my thunkable to not get that column data in label all other datas are coming and working but in this column case there is no single row data is coming to the label


May you please share your blocks? I’m sure it will help to better understand the issue

I have tried two ways to access the data one by this way
Second way is i just want that column give atleast something by these two ways as i have to compare lately to achieve my goal.

Both two ways return nothing like no change in the label

First thing that pops up in my mind is that i rarely used a text to display a list of values.
Maybe you want to try with a Simple List component?
Just set the Simple List text items to the list of values and it’ll give you a better idea.

As second thing, i think since “list of values” is a list, you can’t use the “lenght of text” component.
Try using the “lenght of” from the “List component” (the skyblu color).

Let me know if it works

But this is giving me values for other columns but not for this i have seen the cause was keep the some rows empty in that column

I apologize then, i think i misunderstood your message.

I still have troubles to understand what your problem is, have you tried to fill the empty column with “-” or just “Not available” instead of a blank space, if that’s your issue?
Worth a try

If you have chance please explain better your problem, at least for me as english is not my native language.

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