I’ll make an example. We have a very long time to solve such a simple problem.
Remove the if … block, just keep my code with API block.
Your solution works, but it is an unstable solution. The data in the response only comes with the successful result of the request when the status = 200. But this does not always happen. Therefore we need check on errors and to obtain status = 200
Yes, It will be nice to check.
But my solution works!
Try to find a slow and unstable internet bad web-server and your solution will not work
I have one fact - Have no internet, none of our solutions will work.
can you share your project link once
@Tijender_Singh Did you set the API URL?
Show your full block please
Check if your GPS Location is on or not…
its on… i get lat and long in the button name
If you give me a link to your project will make it easier to understand the problem
Please post your link here, I can see too…
@actech Perfect!