Firebase Real Time Database

Can I use more than one Firebase Real Time Data Bases?


Yes If you setup the connections through web APIs you can specify the different database details for each connection.

Only single database if you use the Thunkable API connector with ‘Cloud Variables’ option.

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Thanks I was able to do it! but all data that I send has these weird codes.

Do you know if I can set values/edit/remove them?

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From what i can see it, they look like “id numbers”.
It would be easier having a look at your blocks, do you mind sharing them with us?

Sure thanks,

Here’s the screenshot with the blocks

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I dont know if that’s the case, but i think last time i used firebase, i posted a different blocks.
It might be not your solution, but you might as well give it a try while waiting for more appropriate solutions.

In the variable FB_INP_DailyBoot, just keep the URL, deleting the “data” and “.json” part.
On “Body”, create an object called “data” and then plug the “create object block” with the two values.
It will be
Body > generate json from object > create object “data” > create object UID, Sunrise > and your values.

Again it might not be the solution, but it’s worth a try

I tried, but it doesn’t post the json, I believe is because the missing .json part. I’ll continue, just hope that when I need to pull the data from realtime database to create reports it doesn’t create an issue


Just had to change from Post to Patch

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