Figma sample file?

Anyone using Figma with Thunkable?

Would you be willing to share a sample Figma file that I could import into Thunkable? I’m especially interested in components that transfer directly and become Thunkable components such as buttons.

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I tried importing a simple Figma file I made and the options for components are limited:

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I had bad experience with it. I tried it in one of the project just to find out there is no way to remove the file from the project.

Sorry to hear this @muneer - this feature is still very much in stealth mode (so we don’t have any documentation/tutorials etc for it yet since updates are happening very frequently at this stage)

Thanks for flagging this, I’ve passed this on to the team.

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@muneer - is this the option you were looking for?

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Thank you @domhnallohanlon. It’s a long awaited feature.

Just tested the delete option for Figma files.

It deletes the connection to the Figma design but it does not delete the screens in the project nor the images/media imported.

Is that intentional?

See that I do not have Figma files linked but I have tons of images PLUS the created screens

aha - I’m not sure what the expected behaviour here should be. Would it be really jarring to have all the screens in your project suddenly disappear? Also, what’s the motivation behind wanting to delete all the screens and assets?

Also, this looks great @muneer - did you design this yourself?

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When I decide not to link the Figma file anymore then I actually decide not to use the screens and assets. I do not see any other reason for that.

In another subject, is there a way to remove/delete all or selected images. The Figma import added 5 screens of image names to my project and trying to find a way to remove all these images.

This is for a delivery project for a client. I got them from the net for $20. 4 screens in total. Do you thing they worth it?