Feature Request List

Here’s my list of requested features:

1: Default sign-in and user logging component: There is a similar feature already widely used and powered by Firebase, but how about a much easier single component? Developers simply drag this component to their interface and are greeted with a base sign-in template that can be customized. Errors, OTPs, user logging is all handled by the system. Pulling data is also very simple and can be done with an automatically generated ID. It’s ideal for developers who want to focus more on their app than the sole user-oriented experience, if that makes sense. This feature can be paid if needed as it is on the larger side.

2: Animations: Every good app needs good animations. Must I say more?

3: More customizable UI: I feel like most of the UI design you can do on Thunkable isn’t great, and the Figma option doesn’t work most of the time. Everything is centered around basic buttons, labels and inputs, and along with the not-so-great and messy live testing experience, I feel like Thunkable really needs to focus more on their UI design components.

4: “contains only spaces” block: This block would be SUPER useful for inputs that require a value. Paired with the “is empty” block in an “if” statement, it would easily check if the user is trying to bypass the input.

5: Global functions and variables that can be used across projects: @tatiang ‘s recommendation

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Would love to see full css properties exposed for each element.

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These kinds of ready-made, drag and drop, true “no code” components are such a needed addition to Thunkable. If I think of how much time I spent trying to understand how that process worked, get the right connection of blocks set up, and troubleshoot the results, it was many hours of my time. But someone already knows how to do that exactly right so why can’t I benefit from their time?

I will say that the new series of official Thunkable video tutorials and some improvements to the documentation have moved us forward a lot and I’m very appreciate of that work by Thunkable lately.

Absolutely agree. Everything* that comes out of Thunkable – including things I make – looks amateurish. Your suggestion would raise the bar so that people like me without great UI or graphic design sense could at least have something passable for the app store. Obviously the solution right now is to hire someone to make the images and/or layouts but it would be nice if we had more agency around that ourselves.

*That’s an exaggeration but it’s definitely true for the majority of projects and apps I’ve seen.

I haven’t needed this too often but it doesn’t seem that hard to code. I would check to see if the input is empty and if not, remove all spaces from the input and then check the length of it. If its length is zero, it contained only spaces. You could make a function for that. That’s another reason we need global functions that can be re-used from project to project. I honestly haven’t spend enough time with the new Custom Components but I assume that sort of function can be created as a Custom Component…?

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Thanks for the feedback. I’ve added the Global blocks to my feature list.

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