Drop-down Menu/Spinner Tutorial

I was able to replicate the issue. It crashes when I assign the list of values to the list viewer and click on the list viewer twice.

Now to figure out why…

There’s something corrupt about that project. I believe it’s the local data source. Because even simple blocks don’t have any effect when previewed.

Here’s the project with the failed modifications I made: Thunkable

It should work. It’s very simple now: it just shows or hides the list viewer. But even that’s broken.

I believe the problem is likely that your data sources have the exact same name. But renaming them after syncing them doesn’t seem to help.

Can you rename your Google Sheet and re-share it with me? I’m hoping that will fix it. I don’t think you’ve really done anything wrong; I think this is a data sources bug.

Here’s a clear problem… I copied your Google Sheet and renamed it. Then I set up these simple blocks:

The result is this:


So it’s not even reading values from the Google Sheet!


You can see that if I re-create the same actions in a different project, it works as expected:


(See the first screen)

Although I did notice that if I initialize a variable to the list of values block, it breaks the project. So I’d recommend you avoid that and instead set the variable to the list of values when screen opens.

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Thank you so much. I tested it out with a new project and a new sheet and it works.

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Thanks bro, very work it. Nice

Hello Thunkers,
I created a drop-down using custom component.
You can find more information here: Drop-down Custom Component - Tutorials and DIY Guides - Community (thunkable.com)